what bloggers are you?After the invention of blogging platform, the monopoly of media as a publisher is over. Well, almost. Because everybody can be a publisher now. The facts remain that not all bloggers want to compete with media in terms of quality content and originality. Many of whom are just following the trend, whatever that means.
Here’s the Top
Ten types of bloggers you may find when you do a blogwalking
Diary. Many old time bloggers consider this blogging technology as the continuation of their diary-writing habit. A blog is a daily notes one used to scribble on a diary book or a piece of paper. They don’t care too much about traffics. They’re careless about SEO. They just enjoy writing whatever, wherever and whenever they want to write. They used to blog in a free blogging platform like Blogger.com and WordPress.com. The most prominent among which was the late (almarhumah) Bunda Zidan whose diary blog and recipe blog are still alive four years after she died. Just think it over, what would have happen to her blogs had she blogged in a paid self-hosted blog.
Store house. Blog as a place to store articles about him/her which were published in media. A famous personality, such as Tariq Ramadan (tariqramadan.com), has his name scattered everywhere in the media. He wants to keep them in one place. A free blog is a good place to save them all.
Commentary. One who used to make a critical commentary on anything (culture, current events, social, etc) through print media or mailing list want to have a blog which represent that tendencies. Most of their blog contents are original and unique and therefore worth visiting over and over. I honor the blogs and the bloggers most of whom, particularly those who blog in English, has been chosen as Blogger Indonesia of the Week. A weekly program of this blog which is now on hiatus for the time being. In the US in particular, commentary blog is common among university professors, academicians, journalists and serious students.
The Niche Blog. There are two types of niche or specific blog. One, specific on a particular field of study such as a blog which specifically discuss economy, or philosophy, etc. I call this kind of blog as expert blog since it’s usually created by those who have expertise in a particular field of study. Two, a niche blog which is created based on the most trending issues on the internet such as gadget, digital camera, computer, Apple, Google, etc. The blogger is not necessarily expert. But finally they become one, at least to their blog readers. Unlike the first one, the latter type has the priority to monetize their blog. They are called the professional full time blogger, meaning a blogger who is blogging to make a living.
Money Blog. Or blogging for money. They prefer to be called Professional Blogger. The information through ads or the words of mouth is such that everybody who knows and has access to the internet wants to have a try at least once to make money online. They blog not because they enjoy writing. They just want to make money in the first place. Some succeeded. Some end it up in failure. Some try professionally with quality contents. Some just copy and paste blindly without mentioning the source. Once the result is not there, they just quit blogging and back to offline money making jobs.
Trend follower. They are blogging simply because it’s trending. No more no less. Once the trend is over, the blog is gone.
Hybrid blogger. They could start blogging because of a trend. They found it enjoyable. They get more serious and are amazed to the fact that it earn them money. They finally become full time
blogger. Or they keep retaining the offline job, while try hard to make money online enterprise grow.
Lazy Blogger. A blogger who rarely update his/her blog. There’s no obvious reason but one: lazy.
Poor Blogger. We need to sympatize to this blogger. He/she hardly or rarely update his/her blog because of one reason: no internet connection.
Hiatus blogger. Aka ex blogger. A person who used to blog frequently. For one or another reason, he calls it a day. They quit blogging for daily job which waste a lot of his time. Boredom could be another reason as well. Priyadi (priyadi.net) was a prominent Indonesian blogger who has been on hiatus, for the time being or forever.
What kind of bloggers are you?