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Why is traffic so important? Do we really want the traffic? We want really is a terkonversi traffic into buyers. It's just that, nothing will terkonversi be a buyer if the traffic into the material that does not exist. So traffic or conversion rates are equally important.

The illustrations were like this. Scenario a: we got 10,000 traffic per month with a conversion rate of 1%. Scenario b: we got traffic (only) 1,000 per month (but) with a conversion rate of 10%. The end result is the same right? How can we improve the end result? Two ways, enlarge its traffic or increase conversion. But certainly be great if it can boost both right? Untungya both can be achieved with SEO because SEO traffic data indicate that generate conversion rates that exceed the height of the other traffic sources.

SEO produces a flow of traffic with the highest conversion rates.