It is said that a picture says a 1000 words.So the first thing that the
eye will catch is a image.So make sure you are using images that are
both attractive and also convey the proper message.Do not try to
accommodate a lot of information.Its design quality should not be
To make sure you have a good looking image , use these tips :
- Mix and match images
- Use typography
- Keep it simple
- If you are capable of spending , use images from premium sites.
- Make infographics ,try this free service
Most of the time , your post titles are being exposed to your
readers.95% of post are read on a blog.So make sure they are
interesting.If they are not convincing , it is a matter of fact that
your content will go unheard.Treat your post titles as a gateway to your
Examples of some catchy titles ,
- Albert Einstein’s Theory To Increase Blog Traffic
- 5 Killer SEO Strategy To Improve Your Blog
- 1001 ways to improve your blog’s performance
At the end of the day , content is all that matters.A blog should be
built around the content and not the other way around.To get topics ,
keep reading.Visit site’s , forums etc and read as much as possible.Come
up with topics that are very rare or not have been blogged about at
all.This increases the chances of impressing your reader.Look for
inspiration around you.Even a coffee mug can give you inspiration. E.g Jobs to do while sipping your coffee.
With so many blogs out there and so many themes, a good blog design will
help the blog to stand out and be easily recognizable to visitors.
This, in my opinion, is the most important benefit of a custom theme. As
readers keep coming to your blog several times a week, they’re
increasingly less likely to pay attention to your design. They’ll know
what to expect after a few visits, and the content will have to keep
them coming back. On the other hand, the blog’s design can have a huge
impact on the first impression of new visitors. Part of branding a blog
includes the image that its appearance creates in the minds of readers.
These factors should not be ignored, because they mean that the blog’s
design and appearance can have an impact on its level of success.
These tips are sure shot ways of impressing your readers.Once your
reader is impressed , he can do a world of good to your blog.He will
comment , share your article all contributing to your blog’s
success.Hence attracting your readers is very essential.Over to you
now.When creative minds come together they create a world of
opportunities.So let us know of your thoughts.Leave a comment below.Till then happy blogging